sabato 19 dicembre 2020

Teaching defensive skills


After teaching the basic defensive skills we have to start developing the specialistic skills that lead this technique on the real game:  the digging technique and the defensive actions.. We will talk about this last type ad his varieties.
Previously we talked about the serve as a skill that doesn’t deal  with the situation, now we will focus on a skill that makes the situation his way of being. In fact the basic techniques ( set and dig) in defence are used only to face slow balls and not too powerful, instead it will be impossible to standardize the use of the movements in a preset situation, but the skill will be applied according to the specific situation that we are facing during the game. It is necessary to keep that in mind even during the set up of your practice.The defense is a skill related to the perceptive skills and the view of the game. The target is the construction of the  counter-attack. Independently from the technique we choose to use the most important thing is the ability to control the ball.
When we want to teach the defense we have always to keep in mind that it is necessary to proceed in two ways:
-    Train the control over the ball (and the ability to read the opponent’s shot)
-    Train the defence in a field situation, with the same lines and positions that we will use during the game.  

If I let my athletes do 10 minutes of pepper perpendicular to the net, I haven’t trained the defense. I warmed up the spike and the dig but not in a specific way. We have to keep that in mind while we are preparing our practice. I can have very good players that do a brilliant pepper between them  and then, during the game, they aren’t able to dig not a single ball. They don’t have a psychological problem like “They have a mental block during the game”. I’m simply training them wrong because I don’t get them used to read the game neither to dig the balls that the game requires ( with particular positions o postures). This doesn’t have to lead to an excess to totally leave the analytic drills.

The ball control development is in every case an important component a basic tool in order to dig.
Methodological conditions:
-    Relation between the ball and the body axis ( it has to be preserved in all the physical sequence of the action on the ball)
-    Dig timing ( compression timing of the legs that anticipate the spike  dig not while moving)
-    Posture adaptation:
- closure of the ankle’s angle, active foot and the weight is on the forefoot
     -the torso has to guarantee all the interventions
-free arms in order to easily intervene in every direction
- management of the intervention:
   - Precision ( on a free ball, balls that are touched by the block, Roll shot)
  - control of the ball that has to by high in the centre of the field (lob, spike, etc...)
The thing that always have to guide the player during a dig is the fact that I don’t have to simply touch the ball without any sense, but I have to try to apply the right technique thinking that after that pass there will be another one and the target stays the one to always make sure to have a spike.

Before digging it is necessary to make an evaluation in order to be in the best posture and position possible on the field to successfully dig the opponent’s spike. We have to observe:
-    Direction of the approach and frontality of the cut (this lines will be the ones for the more powerful spikes)
-    Balance during the jump (identifies the possibility to manage the shot)
-    Arm that hits the ball ( the impact points out the moment in which the players has to stop and wait for the ball)

The posture for digging changes depending on the position relative to the block ( dig position outside the block or behind the shadow of the block) but even regarding the distance from the spiker (lower balance as much as the distance of the spiker)

The balls that are on the figure, on the player’s body, can be high ( over the shoulders), medium ( between the knee and the shoulders), low ( under the knee)
SLOW BALL - we can search for precision – thrust only exclusively of the lower limbs
POWERFUL BALL ON THE FIGURE-  the control is on the rebound that in order to stop the power of the shot, sending it up, it will soften it by “breaking” the elbows and, if necessary, retreating the torso.
HIGH BALL-  Control in lateral dig or set. The important thing is to keep free the upper limbs in order to choose which technique to use – if we do a lateral dig it is important to keep the arms low and meet the ball only with the arms by doing a swing as in golf.
LOW BALL-  Squatting dig or downfall intervention ( dive or roll)
BALL OUT OF FIGURE - dig in lateral lounge  
We can do some considerations depending on the dig in regression, progression or lateral (like the one when you exit from net in order to defend a cross court inside 3 meters line or after a shift to double up the Half Line in 6). Anyway there always must be the weight of the body on the forefoot ( that determines a correct posture) and the constant forward balance of the footholds. This is one of the motor requirements that has to constantly be developed since the young age.

-    Maintenance of the isometric position during the defence ( different ways: with ball, on an unstable surface, against resistance – frontal position, in lounge, lateral dig  
-    Defensive Entrance on a mat (onwards or backwards)
-    As above with a strong shot on the figure (timing for the entrance given by the load of the arm that hits )
-    Controlled dig in pairs + second pass
-    Frontal o lateral lounge dig ( even with mat or after frontal/lateral shift behind a chair or map) watch out for the frontality of the feet in order to not lose the dig  
-    Lateral dig on a mat
-    roll’s didactic, rolling, dive in order to make the arms independent, keep the ball with the hands, so the players doesn’t place the arms on the ground, but they will use them to catch the ball – they don’t have to place their knee on the ground during a forward intervention, they have to use the leg to push the body towards the ball.
-    Dive  
-    Drills in pairs that work on a specific shot or that imply choices and reading the situation
-    Defence after a spike on a plinth Sequences of individual digs or in pairs/trio – with or without the block – with or without points for the efficiency  
-    5x5 or 6x6 of dig and spikes on their own court
-    Team’s defence after spikes on a plinth on predetermined directions – training of the defensive system ( and eventually counter attack)
-    Synthetic exercises  spike after defense


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